Some are more common and you've probably heard them already, some less talked about ones might be new to you.
We'll start with the classic red flags:
insufficient diaper output
poor weight gain, not returning to birth weight within 2 weeks
jaundice that requires medical attention
losing more than 11% of bodyweight in the first 72 hours
painful latch
cluster feeding that seems to go on all day everyday
baby never seems full + relaxed
And then there's the less common ones:
clicking noise at the breast, from the tongue losing it's seal at the roof of the mouth
lip blisters, from having a poor seal. Lips aren't flanged, so baby latches with the top, dry part of the lip instead of the underside.
nursing feels chompy vs a wave-like gentle pulling sensation
frequently popping off the breast, often from reflux pain or milk flow
reflux or gas issues, caused by baby sucking in extra air with the latch
open mouth breathing
snoring (no, a snoring baby is not cute!)
frequent clogged ducts or mastitis
blanched or misshapen nipples, ridging
frequent hiccups, after almost every feed
milk leaking from their mouth during a feed, or if you notice pooled milk in their mouth after they unlatch
frequent choking or sputtering throughout the feed, really struggling with letdown despite position changes and using haaka or hand pump before latching
All these signs and symptoms point to impaired oral function and compensation, causes may include body tightness, torticollis, and/or oral ties.
Support and treatment are available to you, you are not alone in this journey. With a bit of help, you can meet your breastfeeding goals. I will share some stretches that you can do at-home in a future post, I also go over all of this and more in my breastfeeding guide!
